
(Revised January 19, 1993)

Article I - Procedure

The latest edition Robert's Rules of Order shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically stated in the Constitution.

Article II - Fiscal Year 

SECTION 1.  The Association shall abide by the fiscal year set forth by NCSA which shall be the first (1st) day of September through the thirty-first (31st) day of August.

SECTION 2.  The Association shall concurrently abide by the fiscal year set forth by CASE, for purposes of reporting, which shall be the first (1st) day of July through the thirtieth (30th) day of June.

Article III - Membership

SECTION 1.  Membership shall consist of active and associate status:

  1. Active members shall be individuals who are practicing administration and supervision in Special Education in Nebraska.

    Active members shall have the right to vote and hold office in the Association and NCSA and shall be entitled to legal defense services.

  2. Associate members may include individuals from colleges and universities, State Department of Education, vocational and technical schools, retired administrators, full time graduate students, and friends of Special Education. Persons who are not practicing Special Education administration, but who are qualified to do so, may elect to join as either active or associate members.

    Associate members will be afforded all the services of regular membership except voting privileges, election to office, and legal services; provided, associate members shall be entitled to vote in the election of the CASE Officer with the stipulation that they be CASE members.

SECTION 2.  Members choosing to join CEC/CASE may do so subject to membership requirements of that organization.

Article IV - Duties of Officers and Regional Representatives

SECTION 1.  The President shall:

  1. be the chief executive officer of the Association;
  2. call and preside at business meetings;
  3. call and preside at meetings of the Board of Directors;
  4. be an ex-officio member of all committees;
  5. represent the Association in coordinating efforts with other agencies and affiliates;
  6. give leadership to general policy making and carry out directions of the Board of Directors and membership; and
  7. such other duties as prescribed in the NASES Policy Code and Governing Manual.

SECTION 2.  The President-elect shall:

  1. serve in the place of the President with the President's authority and in case of absence or disability of the President;
  2. appoint members to standing and special committees;
  3. serve as co-chairperson of the planning committee for the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE)/NASES Fall Conference; and
  4. such other duties as prescribed in the NASES Policy Code and Governing Manual.

SECTION 3.  The Secretary shall:

  1. keep a record of all proceedings of the business meetings, the meetings of the Board of Directors, any other Association meetings, and such correspondence as necessary for the operation of the organization;
  2. prepare and submit an annual report to the Board of Directors summarizing activities of the preceding year, and this report shall be due within thirty (30) days of the final meeting of the year; and
  3. such other duties as prescribed in the NASES Policy Code and Governing Manual.

SECTION 4.  The Past President shall:

  1. serve as chairperson of the NDE/NASES Liaison Committee;
  2. serve as chairperson of the nominating committee;
  3. assist with the recruitment and orientation of new members; and
  4. such other duties as prescribed in the NASES Policy Code and Governing Manual.

SECTION 5.  The NARSA (Nebraska Association of Retired School Administrators) Representative shall:

  1. serve as liaison between NASES and NARSA members; and
  2. such other duties as prescribed in the NASES Policy Code and Governing Manual.

SECTION 6.  The CASE Officer shall:

  1. serve as the Nebraska Representative at the CASE annual board meeting;
  2. serve as liaison between NASES and CASE; and
  3. such other duties as prescribed in the NASES Policy Code and Governing Manual.

SECTION 7.  One (1) regional representative shall be elected by the membership of each of the five (5) regions at the overall election meeting for the Association. 

Regional representatives to the Board of Directors shall serve a three (3) year term commencing on the first (1st) day of September after the election day. 

A member shall not concurrently serve as a regional representative and member of the Executive Committee (President, President-elect, Past President, Secretary, CASE Officer, and NARSA Representative).  If a regional representative is elected to the Executive Committee, it shall be the duty of the current President to appoint a suitable replacement as regional representative for the duration of the unexpired term. 

Article V - Board of Directors

SECTION 1.  The Board of Directors shall recommend policies and programs for the Association at regular business meetings and at general membership meetings.

SECTION 2.  The Board of Directors shall assume such other responsibilities as are deemed appropriate.

SECTION 3.  The Board of Directors shall serve as the nominating committee for the purpose of selecting candidates for election to the offices of President-elect and Secretary.  Qualifications for office and nominating procedures shall be prescribed in the NASES Policy Code and Governing Manual.

SECTION 4.  The Board of Directors shall plan and conduct at least four (4) meetings annually.  The Board of Directors shall also plan and conduct at least one (1) meeting of the general membership for the purpose of holding elections and presenting items of general interest to the membership.  The annual business meeting shall be held prior to the first (1st) day of April of each year.

Article VI - Business Meetings

Activities at business meetings shall include but shall not be limited to the following items:

  1. a report by the President of the Association activities and other matters of concern;
  2. recitation of the minutes of the previous meeting;
  3. a financial report;
  4. approval of programs;
  5. report of all committees;
  6. report on NCSA activities that concern the Association; and
  7. such other matters as are of interest and concern to the Association.

Article VII - Amendments

Amendments to these Bylaws may be effected by a two-thirds (2/3s) vote of the members of the Board of Directors.  All proposed amendments shall be distributed to members of the Board of Directors at least seven (7) days prior to a vote.  The Board of Directors shall issue to the general membership copies of all approved amendments to the Bylaws.


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