NCSA Archived Programs/Webinars

Educating our Education Staff on the Ins and Outs of Benefits
This recording explores the essentials of employee benefits. We'll cover the significance of benefits, their impact on costs for districts and employees, and how they serve as a hiring tool. Discover the advantages of electronic enrollment systems, all-in-one HR solutions, and seamless integration for employee education.

Neurodiversity and its Relationship to Educational Spaces
This engaging webinar will explore the connection between neurodiversity and educational environments, focusing on the unique needs of neurodiverse students and explaining current educational design trends that are being used to support them. By understanding and embracing neurodiversity, we can create more inclusive and supportive learning spaces for all students. Key Topics: 1. Educational Spaces for Neurodiverse Students: Explore the specific challenges and accommodations that neurodiverse students may require to thrive. 2. Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Discover how UDL principles can be applied to create flexible and accessible learning experiences for all students. 3. Trauma-Informed Design: Learn how to design educational spaces that promote emotional well-being and resilience in students who may have experienced trauma.

Preparing for a School Bond
The preparation for funding a school project is significant. Not only do school districts have to have a clear vision for their future needs, but also a strategy for communicating the plan to all stakeholders. During this webcast, we will discuss how to best prepare your district for a successful bond process and the key steps along the way.


Creating Flexible-use Athletics & Activity Spaces
Gyms and recreation spaces are the most versatile and heavily used resources in a school environment. As a space that is often a shared resource, they bring people together and serve as a source of pride and unity both for the school and community, who otherwise may have little interaction with the school. They support fitness education and competition sports, but may also be used for a myriad of other school and community uses. Many schools also have expanded student activities to include E-Sports and competitive robotics, requiring spaces to support these teams. In this webinar, BVH will cover new gym designs, Title IX, renovation options for existing spaces, and creative ways schools are expanding into new student activities.

Special Education Spaces
Transition to greater independence is important for all students, but this time is especially critical for students with special needs. This webinar will examine special education spaces with a focus on the OPS Transition Program as a case study. We will discuss site selection, program requirements, accessibility, wellness, recreation, and student engagement. The goal is to raise the bar on special education and other learning spaces that support special needs students. 

Flexible Furniture for Learning
Classroom furniture options have changed dramatically, but have the learning opportunities they provide been fully integrated? Is classroom furniture still utilized as if it was made of cast iron? In ‘Flexible Furniture for Learning,’ BVH Architecture will examine the changes in classroom furniture design, and how furniture can support neuro-diversity and align with a variety of curricula. We will also discuss furniture options for libraries, learning commons, and cafeterias that allow these spaces to serve multiple functions for schools.

Celebrating Success in the Field
Cognia has spent over a century identifying and validating quality education in Nebraska. As we partner with schools to guide and support continuous improvement, we have the opportunity to uncover and celebrate noteworthy practices found in Nebraska schools through our accreditation Engagement Review. This year we would like to highlight our 2022 Cognia award winners, Stanton High School (Circle of Excellence), and Umóⁿhoⁿ Nation Public School (Values Driven Award). Join us to learn from these local educational leaders regarding powerful practices impacting their school communities as we celebrate success in the field!

Early Childhood Spaces
Early Childhood Learning Programs not only set students up for long-term success but also support a community’s workforce. Join BVH on Thursday, January 26, as we explore the various types of design issues Early Childhood Programs should consider including; safety and security, creating a supportive learning environment with materials and colors as well as 'future-proofing' the facility for change. We will also discuss strategies to house programs within an elementary facility or as an independent site and best practices to ensure a successful project.

Enhancing Active and Retiree Benefits using Funded Health Reimbursement Arrangements
In this recording, we will take a deeper look into National Insurance Services (NIS) and discuss the advantages of using Funded Health Reimbursement Arrangements to deliver tax-advantaged benefits. There are numerous HRA applications that make sense for Nebraska school districts to help spread tax dollars further and provide more affordable sustainable benefit packages. Our goal is to share our expertise and the impact NIS has with our focus exclusively on the public sector.

Career Tech Spaces: Bridging the Gap Between School and Careers
Pathways and STEM related education is taking off across the country. Teachers and administrators have a significant challenge as they work to prepare students for a constantly changing future. In this webinar, we will focus on some of the key questions and themes schools are facing in CTE building design such as; How does the building need to adapt for these teaching and learning opportunities? What types of spaces and equipment are needed? Which careers are now included in CTE spaces? How can schools involve local industries in training their future workforce?
Please join Cleve Reeves, Cynthia Ray, and Matt Smith from BVH Architecture to discuss recent CTE projects and strategies for setting up a future-focused facility.

Substitute Teacher Eligibility Under the School Plan Webinar Recording
In 2021 the Legislature passed LB 147, which was signed into law, allowing a recently retired teacher to serve as a substitute teacher for up to eight days per month during the 180-day "no work" period.
NCSA has been in conversations with NPERS in recent weeks about potential developments and new legal analysis concerning substitute teacher eligibility. On September 15, 2022, NCSA hosted a webinar with Mr. Randy Gerke, Director, NPERS, and Mr. Justin Knight, Perry Law Firm, to provide information on this issue.

ARPA Grants in Nebraska: Teachers Recruitment and Retention Grant
(Link to Slides)
On August 23, 2022, the Nebraska Department of Labor present this webinar providing more details about Nebraska’s ARPA Teachers Recruitment and Retention Grant (TRRG) opportunity. This program offers premium pay incentives to qualified teachers, early childcare educators, and childcare providers.

Cultivating a Culture of Growth and Engagement Through the Cognia Learning Community and Support Solutions
(Link to MyVoice Drivers and Indicators)
Research shows that teachers have the greatest impact on the success of every student’s learning journey. How we invest in their growth can improve their effectiveness, increase their job satisfaction, and improve the retention rate of our best teachers. The Cognia Learning Community (CLC) is a new professional development model that uses the power of groundbreaking content to transform thinking and practice, embedded in a global community for shared learning and insight. Available to any Cognia network member, regardless of accreditation status, the customized professional learning labs, and access to expert coaches, can ease the management and delivery of learning for all educators.
In this webinar, you will learn about the CLC and how Cognia can deliver an integrated solution of professional learning, inspire the improvement of practice, and provide expert advice to help you build on your strengths for tangible progress toward more effective teaching and learning. (June 2022)

Celebrating Success in the Field with Cognia
Cognia (formerly AdvancED/NCA) has served education in Nebraska for over 125 years. We continue to expand our member benefits, guide meaningful improvement, and celebrate our institutions' achievements. Join us for inspiration as you hear from local Nebraska educational leaders regarding powerful practices impacting their school communities as we celebrate success in the field!

Importance of Benefit’s Communication in Today’s World
Employee benefits are becoming increasingly popular as a way to attract and retain employees. Still, most employees are not receiving the education they need to properly understand and value the benefits being offered to them. This presentation aims to show how implementing effective benefits education is vital to the overall success of your benefits program, and overall employee wellbeing.
Learning Objectives:
1. Am I leveraging the employee benefits package to its full capabilities?
2. How do I position employee benefits as an attraction and retention tool?
3. 2020 catapulted us into technology. We review how it has affected the benefits landscape.

Ensuring a Balanced and Equitable Assessment SystemCognia Logo
(Link to Handout)
Our instructional and curricular decisions are only as reliable as the assessment data we use to inform those decisions. By understanding the purposeful design and data limitations of each type of assessment within your local assessment system, you can gain greater insights about student learning and progress, and how to modify instruction to better support learning. There has never been a more important time to ensure assessments are free of bias and sensitivity, provide valid and actionable data to identify student gaps in learning and, in turn, are equitable for all students. As a result of this session, participants will:
· Recognize the purpose and limitations of each component within a balanced assessment system
· Review the importance of valid assessment data and its use in guiding teaching and learning
· Examine practices and processes to help ensure assessments are equitable and free from bias and sensitivity

Classroom Audio with Audio Enhancements
(Link to Slides)
Research indicates that students achieve more when they hear better. Come learn why Dr. Steve Joel and Lincoln Public Schools installed audio enhancement in every classroom in their district. Find out how classroom audio systems have affected student learning and engagement and teachers’ vocal health. (December 17, 2020) 

Schoolwide Communication with Kirk Langer and Audio Enhancements

Efficiently moving students across campus may be more crucial now than ever. Come learn how a customizable intercom, paging, and bells system built specifically for K-12 schools can simplify schoolwide communication. We’ll also discuss features that can make systems more effective and intuitive, like integration with existing VoIP phone systems, a customized interactive campus map, and integration with a school’s existing LDAP/Active Directory Server. (December 16, 2020)


Master Planning for the Future with Clark Enersen PartnersClark Enersen Logo
Link to Slides)
As school districts across Nebraska assess their current and future facility needs, many are facing the challenge of trying to get renovation, addition, and new building projects off the ground while dealing with limited budgets. The Clark Enersen Partners architecture and engineering team are joined by Chad Denker, Superintendent of David City Public Schools, to discuss the important role master planning has played in allowing David City to complete multiple projects and plan several more for the coming years. The webinar focuses on the master planning process, project phasing based on current and future needs, gaining community buy-in, and special funding mechanisms. (December 1, 2020)


Taking Remote Learning To The Next Level

Cognia LogoJason Green, co-author of the bestselling book Blended Learning in Action, and Jordan Nemmers, Manager of School Partnerships, discuss best practices from the field in remote and digital learning. Jason and Jordan, along with the LINC team, have helped thousands of educators successfully build high-quality remote learning experiences. They will also share strategies for ensuring your teachers are receiving the critical support and professional development needed so that students can thrive in this new paradigm. (September 2, 2020)

The Future of the ACT & SAT with John Baylor of OnToCollegeOnToCollege Logo
As more colleges and universities move to test-optional policies, especially in light of COVID-19, the future of the ACT and SAT might seem less certain. So what do these changes mean for Nebraska schools, Nebraska students, and the importance of standardized testing? (August 27, 2020)


The Biggest FLSA Update Since 2009? "Coaching" Administrators on the New Department of Labor Opinion (Presentation, Handout)
On January 5, 2018, the Department of Labor released an Opinion on coaches under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The issue of coaches under the FLSA has caused much confusion in schools since 2009 and the recent Opinion provides much-needed clarity. During this webinar, Justin Knight from the Perry Law Firm will walk through the Opinion, provide an overview of the FLSA, and suggest practical tips to implement the new Opinion in your district.

School Safety
Several new rules and regulations, including NDE's safety guidance, require school districts to update or enact policies and develop plans to comply with these new requirements. In order to comply, districts will need to take action now to begin planning for these changes. In this webinar, the Perry Law Firm will walk through these mid-year policy updates.

Crowdfunding the Classroom: An Overview and Discussion of Crowdfunding for School Districts 

With today’s technology, donors from across the world can easily give money to almost any worthwhile project. Teachers have taken notice of this online giving trend. In fact, according to at least one study, teachers at 71% of U.S. public schools have asked online donors to fund projects in their classrooms, such as purchasing new iPads, taking field trips and acquiring 3-D printers. With more and more teachers soliciting donations online, administrators and school business officials must be knowledgeable about the “in’s and out’s” of crowd-funding. In this free webinar, we will walk through the basics of crowd-funding, discuss the legal implications of teachers and staff “crowd-funding the classroom” and offer practical solutions for your district to address and manage the crowd-funding craze. 
Crowd-Funding Webinar 


Affordable Care Act Reporting Forms Overview and Preparation: Walking through Forms 1094-C’s and 1095-C’s (Presentation)
By January 31, 2017, every “large employer” (50 or more full-time employees, including full-time equivalents) must provide a completed Form 1095-C to every full-time employee. Thus, all “large” districts in Nebraska have approximately two months to complete all of its Forms 1095-C. Some districts were required to complete these forms last year. Those districts learned that the process for completing these Forms can be time-consuming, confusing and frustrating. In this free webinar, the Perry Law Firm will walk through the process for successfully completing Forms 1094-C and 1095-C. We hope that this webinar will provide attendees with the necessary information and confidence to begin preparing their own Forms prior to the deadline. 

Energy Analytics 
(Presentation Handout)

With school budgets getting tighter each year, saving money and maximizing your rewards are more important than ever. Dave Raymond and Larry Cihal, Certified Energy Manager, from Trane will be joined by Brian Maschmann from Norris Schools who has implemented a Building Intelligent Services project. Be sure to attend this webinar to find out how you can maximize the spending of utility dollars in your district or school. 


Celebrating Women in Leadership

March 26-27, 2025
Holiday Inn, Kearney, NE

Bring your colleagues and staff for this learning experience intended to celebrate practicing and aspiring female leaders, engage with colleagues around problems of practice, and learn from female leader experiences.
