Dissertation Archive

The purpose of this search page is to allow prospective doctoral candidates the opportunity to view previous research efforts from practicing and former school administrators. The hope is that these past academic efforts might inspire or lend to the development of new research in the same or similar areas of knowledge.

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Year: 2008
The Effect of a Rural High School Combination Supplemental Literacy Program on Emerging Readers' Achievement, Engagement, and Behavior Outcomes
Year: 1985
The Development of An Item Pool for Assessing Practitioner Knowledge of The Attributes of Recommended Grading and Marking Systems
Year: 1997
A history of Millard Public Schools, 1946-1989: Forty-four years of suburban growth
Year: 2016
The Differences Between Superintendent Tenure and Student Achievement in Nebraska as Measured by 2015 Nesa-Reading Scores
Year: 2012
Meeting the needs of Career and Technical Education: A study of graduates of a high school health science program
Year: 1977
A Comparison of Four Information Sources Used in Teacher Selection
Year: 1975
An Analysis of Inservice Needs of Secondary Principals in Nebraska and the Six Contiguous States
Year: 2010
Conditions Affecting the Decision to Seek or Not Seek a Position as a School Assistant Principal/Principal
Year: 1989
Effectiveness of five selected strategies for using teacher self-evaluation as an administrative tool in the improvement of instruction in selected elementary schools in Nebraska as perceived by elementary teachers and principals
Year: 1987
A Comparison of Student Teachers with Internal Locus-of-Control and Student Teachers with External Locus-of-Control During the Student Teaching Experience
Year: 1992
The induction needs of first-year elementary principals in mid-sized districts
Year: 1993
Critical factors in superintendency transitions
Year: 1988
A study of role ambiguity, role conflict, and job satisfaction for selected noncertified Nebraska personnel
Year: 1980
The Relationship of Organizational Openness, Principal Leader Behavior, and Consultant Skill to Preference for and Use of School Psychological Consultation Services
Year: 1985
Concurrent Validity of Two Administrator Selection Procedures (Principals, Assessment Center, Interviews)
Year: 1983
The Development of Guidelines for the Implementation of a Microcomputer-Based Administration in Selected School Districts in Nebraska
Year: 1994
Issues of change: Adoption of a custom calendar
Year: 1992
Teachers' preferences for participative decision-making
Year: 2014
Students' Perceptions of Academic Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation While Learning in a 1:1 Laptop Environment
Year: 2017
Middle School Common Grading Expectations and Teacher Perceptions of Grading Pedagogy
Year: 2018
Cultivating Leadership: Taking a Deeper Look at One Midwestern School District's Leadership Preparation Program
Year: 1993
The use of critical thinking skills in the elementary and high schools of the Omaha Public Schools
Year: 1999
Effects of participant role, participation, and expectancy on level of satisfaction in special education multidisciplinary teams
Year: 1993
Elementary teacher planning time and its use in Nebraska elementary schools
Year: 1985
Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction upon Seventh-Grade Students' Growth in Writing Performance
Year: 1998
An evaluation of selected demographic characteristics of the junior class of the Alliance, Nebraska high school
Year: 1991
An analysis of the impact of school choice and perceptions of school officials in Nebraska K-12 districts
Year: 1992
Making sense of teaching: Novice and expert supervisors
Year: 2000
Middle school principals' perceptions of the National Commission for the Principalship performance domains in relation to their present job responsibilities
Year: 1979
The Role of the Curriculum Director in Bringing About Change in Selected North Central Association School Districts
Year: 1981
The Relationship Between and Among The Annual Gallup Poll of Attitudes Toward Education, Educational News Articles Appearing in a Selected Metropolitan Newspaper and Actions Taken by a Selected Suburban School Board for the Ten Years from 1969 through 197
Year: 2006
Aesthetic leadership: Stories of support, relationship, and success among novice teachers and school administrators
Year: 2010
Alternative Scheduling Models and Their Effect on Science Achievement at the High School Level
Year: 2023
Exploring Motivation to Improve Teacher Recruitment: A Phenomenological Study of First and Second-Year Teacher in One Midwestern
Year: 2010
Building Leadership: The Knowledge of Principals in Creating Collaborative Communities of Professional Learning
Year: 2000
An investigation of postsecondary teaching recommendations and accommodations for students with disabilities in synchronous distance education
Year: 1994
Quality indicators in Nebraska Adult Basic Education programs as perceived by Nebraska ABE practitioners
Year: 1999
The Characteristics of Selected Superintendents’ Perceptions of Incumbent School Board Member Election Defeats in the State of Washington in 1995
Year: 2021
Experiences of Nebraska Principals and the Challenges of Educating Students With Emotional Dysregulation
Year: 1997
Teaching effectiveness: Perceptions of University of Nebraska-Lincoln student teachers and first-year teachers
Year: 2016
Comparison of Nebraska Accreditation Options and Effect on Student Achievement: A Mixed Methods Study
Year: 2019
The Effect of Caregiver Self-Efficacy on Health and Nutrition Outcomes in Young Children Enrolled in Head Start
Year: 1985
The Effects of Computer Review Assistance Modules (Cram) on Student Achievement in United States History (Computer Assisted Instruction (Cai), Social Studies)
Year: 2022
A Lived Experience of Opening a New High School: A Descriptive Case Study
Year: 2010
Effect of a Career, Academic, Personal and Social Growth High School Transition Program Option on 9th-Grade Students' Achievement, Behavior, and Engagement
Year: 1998
The history of Nebraska public school finance law: 1854-1997
Year: 2003
Effects of LTTA technology training on the perceptions of Nebraska school principals about their ability to satisfy technology skills and national teacher and administrator standards
Year: 2000
A study of the impact of LB 1114 and LB 806 upon the relationship between boards of education and their respective superintendents (Nebraska)
Year: 2016
A Case Study: Exploring the Experiences of Administrators and Teacher Leaders in a Midwestern Turnaround School
Year: 1999
The effects of interdisciplinary team organization of teachers and students upon the students' psychological sense of school membership, satisfaction, attendance, behavior, and academic achievement in the ninth-grade
Year: 2012
The Sustainability of Reading Recovery Intervention on Reading Achievement of Students Identified as At-risk for Early Reading Failure
Year: 2007
Teacher Attrition: The Relationship Between Teachers’ Stress and Their Intentions to Leave Their Current Positions
Year: 2006
Performance Evaluation of Nebraska K-12 Public School Superintendents
Year: 2016
The Relationship between Teachers' Instructional Practices, Professional Development, and Student Achievement
Year: 2016
Leveraging a Teacher Mentorship Program in a Complex System
Year: 1986
The Perceptions of Selected Teachers Regarding Staff Development Needs at Initial, Developing, and Experienced Career Stages (Nebraska)
Year: 1993
A study of Nebraska superintendents' opinions toward school restructuring
Year: 2021
Exploring the Utilization of Mission by Nebraska Public School Principals: How Does Mission Drive Practice?
Year: 2012
Perceptions of Nebraska Teachers Regarding the Transition from STARS to NeSA and its Perceived Influence on the Implementation of a Balanced Assessment System
Year: 1986
Predictors of Success for School Administrators
Year: 1966
Grouping Practices And Procedures in Junior High School Social Studies
Year: 2021
Technology Leadership Qualities in Secondary School Principals in Nebraska Who Support Student-led Social Media Teams
Year: 1988
Teacher supervision and evaluation practices
Year: 2023
An Improvement Science Case Study for Accelerating Recovery of Disrupted Learning Using Flexible Grouping
Year: 1992
Personality type and effectiveness of board members in Nebraska school districts
Year: 2011
Satisfied Superintendents: A Case Study
Year: 2015
Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Novice and Career Teachers in Instructional Strategies, Student Engagement, and Classroom Management
Year: 1989
An analysis of selected student characteristics and student participation in school activities in selected Nebraska high schools
Year: 2013
The Impact of High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home on Eighth-Grade Student Achievement
Year: 1978
The Effects of an Analysis of Social Studies Philosophy and Curriculum Rationale Statements upon Selected Nebraska University Secondary Teacher Education Program Social Studies Students
Year: 1999
What superintendents rely on to complete key job responsibilities
Year: 2015
A Historical Organization Case Study of the School Employees Retirement Act and the Class V School Employees Retirement Act of the State of Nebraska
Year: 2001
The history of Nebraska public school accreditation
Year: 2009
Developmental Asset Building in At-Risk Youth: A Mixed Methods Study
Year: 2016
A Product Evaluation of the Selective Abandonment Process for School Budgeting
Year: 2007
An Analysis of Nebraska School Districts’ Profile of General Fund Receipts and Disbursements as Related to Selected Characteristics
Year: 1988
A Comparative Study of the Superintendent's Role in Working with Board Members in Texas Schools
Year: 1979
A Study of the Attitude and Awareness of High School Guidance Counselors toward the General Educational Development Test as an Equivalent of or Alternative to the High School Diploma
Year: 1988
A financial impact analysis of the political subdivision Budget Limit Act of 1979 on Nebraska Class II school districts
Year: 1991
Factors affecting older worker productivity in industry and education
Year: 1991
Evaluation standards for selected student activity programs in Nebraska high schools
Year: 2012
The Effect of Improved School Climate Over Time on Fifth-Grade Students’ Achievement Assessment Scores and Teacher Administered
Year: 2015
One-To-One Laptop Initiative: Perceptions of Teachers and Administrators
Year: 2016
Principals Perspectives on the Roles & Skills of School Psychologists
Year: 1977
A Study of the Environmental Perceptions of Underclassmen, Upperclassmen and Faculty at the University of Nebraska at Omaha--a Commuter Campus
Year: 2018
White Noise/Black Boys: Shaping the Black Male Identity
Year: 239
School district variables including superintendent/principal conflict and their contribution to student achievement in Nebraska class III public school districts
Year: 1985
The Development of a Conceptual Planning Model for the Use of Computer Technology in K-12 School Districts (Microcomputer, K-Twelve)
Year: 2008
A Case Study Of One-to-One Computing: The Effects On Teaching And Learning
Year: 2006
Supervision and Evaluation of Probationary Teachers: Policies and Practices in Class II and Class III Nebraska School Districts
Year: 2010
Small Rural School Districts in Nebraska: A Case Study of Challenges and Solutions
Year: 1980
Interactive and Direct Effects of Method of Instruction, Level of Development of Operational Thought, and Type of Concept in Concept Formation
Year: 2004
Exploring Female K-12 Administrators' Experiences With Horizontal Violence: A Multiple Case Study
Year: 2023
The Power of Storytelling Amongst Secondary School Administrators
Year: 1970
A Comparison of Interaction Analysis Ratings Between Two Selected Groups of Student-Teachers
Year: 2016
Rates of Poverty and Special Education Students Among Open Enrollment Students
Year: 2013
The Effect of a Rural High School Combination Supplemental Literacy Program on Emerging Readers' Achievement, Engagement, and Behavior Outcomes
Year: 2018
The Nebraska Assessment and Accountability System from 1998 - 2017
Year: 1991
A study of selected factors affecting voter behavior in Nebraska school bond elections
Year: 2002
Eight at-risk high school girls and the teachers they view as influential: A multiple case study
Year: 2020
Teacher Leadership for Flexibility in Grading: An Exploration and Analysis of Grading Practices in One Urban High School
Year: 2018
Nebraska Educational Service Units: A Study of Legislative Policy History 1992-2018
Year: 2016
Principals Matter: Perceptions of Principals on School Leadership
Year: 1993
Nebraska school facilities: Educational adequacy of structures and their funding
Year: 1993
An investigation of secondary teachers' motivation orientation and their attitudes about extrinsic incentives
Year: 1977
A Study to Determine the Rights of Superintendents and Principals as Perceived by Board of Education Members, School Administrators, and Teachers of Class III Public School Districts in the State of Nebraska
Year: 1982
A Comparison of Stress Responses and Personality Characteristics of Practicing and Prospective School Administrators
Year: 1989
A Comparison of the Statutory Framework and Perceived Role of the Superintendent in Teacher Negotiations in the States of Kansas and Nebraska
Year: 1992
Teacher's Preferences for Participative Decision-Making
Year: 1994
Nebraska school districts: Coming into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
Year: 1991
What are the factors that motivate and inhibit female school administrators in Nebraska to seek the school superintendency?
Year: 1994
The Nebraska Children's Home Society: One hundred years of caring
Year: 2019
Teacher Support Systems in Rural Nebraska: Components that Impact Teacher Retention
Year: 2007
The impact of option-in longevity enrollment patterns on student achievement, behavior, and engagement outcomes
Year: 1991
A qualitative study of the experiences and perceptions of classroom teachers involved in a staff development project
Year: 2010
Improving Student Achievement Through Professional Learning Communities
Year: 2018
The Cost Effectiveness and Instructional Value of One-to-One Technology Investments Among Nebraska School Districts
Year: 2004
Improving Instructional Practice: The Value Of Classroom Goal Teams
Year: 1991
A study of parent-teacher communications
Year: 1998
Locus of control and job satisfaction of secondary school assistant principals in Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska
Year: 2016
English Language Learners and Special Education: One District’s Journey Through the Collaborative Problem Solving Process
Year: 1999
An evaluation of an intervention program for secondary at-risk students
Year: 2001
The Current Training Practices and Perceived Training Needs of Paraprofessionals in Special Education Programs in Nebraska
Year: 1990
A naturalistic study of the teacher transfer experience
Year: 2018
Who Says You Can't Go Home Again? A Narrative Inquiry of College Students Who Are Alumni of a Grow Your Own Teachers Program
Year: 1993
Predicting the frequency of teacher-selected behavioral interventions from clusters of teacher reported student problem behaviors
Year: 2005
Utilization of Nebraska interlocal cooperative agreements by selected school districts: A multi-site case study
Year: 1996
The perceived attitudes of registered voters of small Nebraska public school districts toward public schools
Year: 1995
The Effects of School Choice on Desegregation in the Omaha Public Schools
Year: 2024
Perceptions of School Climate
Year: 2009
Examining the Relationships Between Nebraska Superintendents’ Perceptions of Their Involvement with School Improvement and Factors that may Affect Their Involvement
Year: 2003
Professional Development in Public Schools: A Descriptive Study of the Distinguishing Components in Small Nebraska Schools
Year: 2016
From Pre-K to Elementary School: Elementary Principal Leadership and Successful Transitions
Year: 2002
Analyzing the Impact of Web-Based Geometry Applets on First Grade Students
Year: 2000
The leadership stories of two women public school administrators
Year: 1995
Student and parent attitudes and feelings about retention at the elementary school level
Year: 2012
Perceptions of Nebraska Administrators Regarding the Transition from STARS to NeSA and its Perceived Influence on the Implementation of a Balanced Assessment System
Year: 2023
Leading Spiritually: Public School Leaders Promoting Collective Teacher Efficacy
Year: 2010
Nebraska School Psychologists' Perceptions Regarding the Sufficiency of Response to Intervention (RtI)
Year: 1985
The Development of Activities for Teaching Map Skills which Facilitate Transitions Between Stages of Cognitive Development (Jean Piaget, Social Studies, Elementary School)
Year: 1985
The Perceptions of Elementary School Parents Regarding Home-School Communication
Year: 1983
The Nebraska Council of School Administrators: History and Effectiveness in Meeting Membership Needs
Year: 1980
Evidence Law for Teacher Employment Termination Hearings
Year: 2012
A Study of the Job Satisfaction of Nebraska School Superintendents
Year: 2015
Evaluating a 1:1 Computer Program in a Secondary School
Year: 2005
An educator's perception of STARS from selected Nebraska principals
Year: 2002
School district variables including district leadership and their contribution to student achievement in Nebraska class III public school districts
Year: 2005
Teacher Assessment of School Climate and Its Relationship to Years of Working with an Elementary School Administrator
Year: 2003
A Multi-Case Study of the Shared Superintendency in Nebraska
Year: 2015
The History of Nebraska Public School Reorganization Over the Past 30 Years and How This History Might be Used to Predict Nebraska School Reorganization in the Future: A Mixed Methods Study
Year: 1980
The Description and Analysis of a Program to Develop Individual Educational Plans for All Students

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