
Amended 2013, July 2015, February 2018)

Article I - Name

The name of the organization shall be the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals (NSASSP), hereinafter Association.

The Association is a state organization, with region organizations whose boundaries will coincide with the regions of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, hereinafter NCSA.

Article II - Purpose

The Association shall be committed to the improvement of secondary education.  In pursuing this commitment, the Association shall be involved in providing information and leadership; encouraging research and service; promoting high professional standards; focusing attention on state and educational problems; and working with other professional organizations interested in the solution of problems of education at the state level for the welfare of secondary schools and the youth they serve.

The Association shall also be concerned with the status and welfare of the secondary school principals. 

Article III - Affiliation

This Association shall be affiliated with NCSA and the National Association of Secondary School Principals hereinafter NASSP.  Nothing in the Association's Constitution or Bylaws shall conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of NCSA or NASSP. 

Article IV - Membership

Section 1.            Membership in this organization shall be in conjunction with active membership in the Nebraska Council of School Administrators. 

Section 2.            All persons shall be eligible for active membership who hold the appropriate Nebraska Administrative and Supervisory Certificate.

Section 3.            Active membership shall be open to all persons engaged in secondary school administration, upon payment of dues. 

Section 4.            Associate members as prescribed by the NCSA Constitution shall be non-voting members of the Association and may not be elected to office.  Members of the Nebraska Association of Retired School Administrators, hereinafter NARSA, shall be non-voting members within the Association but may not hold any office within the Association other than NARSA Representative as prescribed in Articles V and VI hereinafter.    

Article V - State Officers 

Section 1.             The state officers of this Association shall be Past President, President, President-Elect and Secretary. The President-elect shall be elected at large from the active membership by U.S. Postal Service or electronic mail ballot.  No member shall be permitted to seek or otherwise be nominated for and hold the Office of NSASSP President-elect more than once in the lifetime of such member.  Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent a member from seeking or otherwise be nominated for the Office of NSASSP President-elect after an unsuccessful bid or bids for such office.   

Each term of office shall be for a period of one year. The state officers of the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals shall be voting members of the NSASSP Executive Board.  The President, President-Elect, and Past President shall also serve as voting members of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators Executive Board.

Section 2.            The President-Elect shall assume the office of the President at the end of his or her term or at any time a vacancy occurs in the office of the President. 

Section 3.            The term of office for Secretary shall be two (2) years beginning September 1.

Article VI - NSASSP Executive Board 

The Executive Board of the Association shall consist of the state officers; the President from each of the five regions; State Coordinator; Assistant Principal Representative; Nebraska Department of Education Liaison; State Membership Coordinator; State Public Relation Representative; Student Council Liaison; Middle Level Representative; NASSP Standing and/or Task Force Representatives (As may be appointed by the National Organization); and NARSA Representative.

The Pres­ident shall be the chief officer of the Association, and shall serve a one (1) year term of office. He or she shall be initially elected as President‑elect by the general membership of the Association. The President shall assume the duties of office on the first (1st) day of September following his or her term as President‑elect.  In the event there is a permanent vacancy in the office of President, the remaining mem­bers of the Executive Board shall appoint a successor to complete the remainder of the term. In the event there is a temporary vacancy in the office of Presi­dent, the President‑elect shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the office until such time as the President shall re‑assume office. 

The President‑elect shall be elected to serve a one (1) year term of office and shall be elected by the general membership of the Association. The President‑elect shall assume the duties of office on the first (1st) day of September immediately following the election. In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of President‑elect, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement to fill the unexpired term.

The Past President shall serve a one (1) year term of office immediately following a term as President of the Association. The Past President shall assume the duties of office on the first (1st) day of September immediately following his/her term as President. In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of Past President, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement to fill the unexpired term. The Past President appointment in case of permanent vacancy shall be a former Past President of the Association. 

The Sec­retary shall serve a two (2) year term of office, and shall assume the duties of said office on the first (1st) day of September following election. In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of Secretary, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement to fill the unexpired term.

The State Coordinator shall be appointed from a slate of candidates presented to and approved by the NSASSP Executive Board. Candidates may be self‑nominated or nominated by any NSASSP Executive Board member. All candidates shall be contacted prior to voting by the Exec­utive Board to secure a commitment to service. In the event of a tie by the Executive Board, the President shall cast the deciding vote. All candidates shall be active members of NASSP, NSASSP and NCSA. The NASSP State Coordinator shall serve for a term of three (3) years, commencing Sep­tember 1, and shall be eligible for reappointment to only one additional term. The NASSP State Coordinator shall vacate the remainder of the term of office should he/she change titles from either principal or assistant principal. In this event, the NSASSP Executive Board shall appoint a qualified person to the unexpired term. The NASSP shall fulfill his/her responsibility to elect the NASSP President‑Elect. 

The Assistant Principal Representative shall be elected at large from a slate of at least two (2) candidates presented to and approved by the NSASSP Executive Board. Can­didates may be self‑nominated or nominated by Regional Presidents. All candidates shall be members of NSASSP and NCSA. The Assistant Principal Representative shall serve for a term of three (3) years; com­mencing September 1, and shall be eligible for only one additional term. The Assistant Principal Representative shall vacate the remainder of the term of office should he/she change titles. In this event, the NSASSP Executive Board shall appoint an assis­tant principal to fill the unexpired term.

The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) Liaison shall be elected at large from a slate of a least two (2) candidates presented to and approved by the NSASSP Executive Board.  Candidates may be self-nominated or nominated by Regional Presidents.  All candidates shall be contacted prior to voting by the Executive Board to secure a commitment to service.  All candidates shall be members of NSASSP and NCSA. The NDE Liaison shall serve for a term of three (3) years: commencing September 1, and shall be eligible for reappointment to only one additional term. The NDE Liaison shall vacate the remainder of the term of office should he/she change titles from that of either principal or assistant principal.  In this event, the NSASSP Executive Board shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term.  The NDE Liaison will serve as a NSASSP representative to the Nebraska Department of Education and the Nebraska Board of Education. 

The Membership Coordinator shall be appointed from a slate of candidates presented to and approved by the NSASSP Executive Board. Candidates may be self‑nominated or nominated by an NSASSP Executive Board member. All candidates shall be contacted prior to voting by the Executive Board to secure a commitment to service. In the event of a tie by the Executive Board, the President shall cast the deciding vote. All candidates shall be active members of NASSP, NSASSP, and NCSA. The Membership Coordinator shall serve for a term of three (3) years, commencing September 1, and shall be eligible for reappointment for only one additional term. The Membership Coordinator shall vacate the remainder of the term of office should he/she change titles from that of either principal or assistant principal. In this event, the NSASSP Executive Board shall appoint a qualified person to fill the unexpired term.

The Principals' Public Relations Representative shall be appointed from a slate of candidates presented to and approved by the NSASSP Executive Board. Candidates may be self‑nominated or nominated by an NSASSP Executive Board member. All candidates shall be contacted prior to voting by the Executive Board to secure a commitment to service. In the event of a tie by the Executive Board, the President shall cast the deciding vote. All candidates shall be active members of NASSP, NSASSP, and NCSA. The Public Relations Representative shall serve for a term of three (3) years, commencing September 1, and shall be eligible for reappointment for only one additional term. The Public Relations Representative shall vacate the remainder of the term of office should he/she change titles from that of either principal or assistant principal. In this event, the NSASSP Executive Board shall appoint a qualified person to fill the unexpired term. 

The Student Council Representative shall be appointed from a slate of candidates presented to and approved by the NSASSP Executive Board. Candidates may be self‑nominated or nominated by an NSASSP Executive Board member. All candidates shall be contacted prior to voting by the Executive Board to secure a commitment to service. In the event of a tie by the Executive Board, the President shall cast the deciding vote. All candidates shall be active members of NASSP, NSASSP, and NCSA. The Student Council Representative shall serve for a term of three (3) years, commencing September 1, and shall be eligible for reappointment for only one additional term. The Student Council Representative shall vacate the remainder of the term of office should he/she change titles from that of either principal or assistant principal. In this event, the NSASSP Executive Board shall appoint a qualified person to fill the unexpired term.

The Middle Level Representative shall be appointed from a slate of candidates presented to and approved by the NSASSP Executive Board. Candidates may be self‑nominated or nominated by an NSASSP Executive Board member. All candidates shall be contacted prior to voting by the Executive Board to secure a commitment to service. In the event of a tie by the Executive Board, the President shall cast the deciding vote. All candidates shall be active members of NASSP, NSASSP, and NCSA. The Middle Level Representative shall serve for a term of three (3) years, commencing September 1, and shall be eligible for reappointment for only one additional term. The Middle Level Representative shall vacate the remainder of the term of office should he/she change titles from that of either principal or assistant principal. In this event, the NSASSP Executive Board shall appoint a qualified person to fill the unexpired term.  

Ex‑Officio Members, Standing and/or Task Force Representatives will be any member of the Association who is a NASSP Past President, a member of a Standing and/or Task Force and/or a current member of the NASSP Board of Directors may serve on the Association's Executive Board.

The NARSA Representative shall be appointed by the NCSA Retired Representative to serve as a voting member of the Executive Board. The NARSA Representative shall be appointed or otherwise selected by NARSA. The NARSA Representative shall serve a two (2) year term of office, and shall assume the duties of office on the first (1st) day of September immediately following his or her appointment. It shall be the duty of the NARSA Representative to report to the NARSA President on all matters, and issues relevant to the Association and retired NSASSP members. The NARSA Representative shall have such powers, duties, and responsibilities as authorized by the President and the Executive Board. In the event of a permanent vacancy in the office of NARSA Representative, NARSA shall appoint a replacement to fill the unexpired term. 

Each President of the five (5) regions of the Association shall serve on the Executive Board. The terms of office for each regional officer shall be for one (1) year. Terms of office for all regional Presidents and Presidents‑elect commence on the first (1st) day of September. The regional Presidents shall be voting members of the Executive Board. It shall be the duty of the regional Presidents to communicate the needs of their respective regions to the Executive Board. In addition to the duties prescribed in Chapter 2 of the Policy Code, the regional officers shall have such powers, duties, and responsibilities as authorized by the President and the Executive Board. All permanent vacancies in the offices of regional President shall be filled by the respective regions.

Article VII - Committees 

The President shall appoint such standing and/or temporary committees as may be deemed desirable or as may be recommended by the NSASSP Executive Board or by the membership acting in business session.

Article VIII - Annual Meeting

The NSASSP Executive Board shall arrange for at least one annual meeting.  The date and location for this meeting shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board. Other meetings may be held, subject to the call by the NSASSP Executive Board.

Article IX - Amendments

Section 1.            This Constitution may be amended by an affirmative two-thirds vote of those voting at any regular or special meeting of the NSASSP Executive Board provided that any such amendment is sent to each member of the Board at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting and vote. If approved by the NSASSP Executive Board, the amendment also must be approved by the NSASSP active membership by an affirmative vote of those voting through an election via U.S. Postal Service or electronic ballot.


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