NSASSP Statewide Award Programs

Generally:  No member shall seek the nomination for or otherwise be nominated for and selected for any statewide award more than once in the lifetime of such member.  Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent a member from seeking or otherwise being nominated for any statewide award after an unsuccessful bid or bids for such award.

Nebraska High School and Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year Awards

  1. PurposeNASSP recognizes outstanding secondary school assistant principals.

  2. Nomination processIt is the suggested procedure of NSASSP that each Region select their High School and Middle School Assistant Principal Nominees at the last Spring meeting of the previous year.  The completed application and all documentation must be submitted directly to NCSA at 440 S. 13th Street, Suite A, Lincoln, NE 68508.  The NASSP national office will provide NCSA with the national application.  Please follow the directions for completing the application as given by NASSP. 

    NASSP's deadline for receiving all state selections for Assistant Principal of the Year will be in December.

  3. Carry-over nominations.  The files of those nominees not selected will remain active for one additional year.  A new file of carry-over nominees should be established at the conclusion of the selection meeting.  The NCSA liaison person will be responsible for compiling such a file.

  4. Criteria. NASSP National Assistant Principal of the Year award program annually recognizes outstanding school leaders who have succeeded in providing high-quality learning opportunities for students. These assistant principals are acknowledged by their peers for the exemplary contributions they have made to the profession. The program honors high school and middle school assistant principals who have demonstrated excellence in the areas addressed by the selection criteria. The following selection criteria reflect the themes as outlined in the Breaking Ranks framework for middle level and high school.

  5. Selection ProcedureThe past recipient of the Assistant Principal of the Year award and the five region presidents will review all applications to determine that the basic criteria have been met.  Members of the committee will select a Middle School finalist and a High School finalist to represent Nebraska at the NASSP Recognition Program.  The NSASSP Affiliate President will serve as chairperson of this committee and will vote in case of a tie. 

  6. AwardThe High School and Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year winners will be presented a plaque at the annual NSASSP State Conference. NASSP invites the recipient to attend the NASSP Conference where they will be recognized.

NSASSP Distinguished Service Award

  1. Purpose.  The purpose of the NSASSP Distinguished Service Award is to honor administrators who have rendered outstanding and unselfish service to the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals and who have contributed significantly to quality education at the state and local level.

  2. NominationsIt is the suggested procedure of NSASSP that each region select their Distinguished Service Award nominee at the last spring meeting of the previous year and submit a deserving individual's name to the NCSA Office.

  3. Carry-over nominationsThe files of those nominees not selected will remain active for one additional year.  A new file of carry-over nominees should be established at the conclusion of the selection meeting.  The NCSA liaison person will be responsible for compiling such a file.

  4. Qualifications.  The nominee must be a current or past member of NSASSP.  A nominee cannot be a previous winner of the NSASSP Distinguished Service Award.

  5. CriteriaPerson who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, their region and at the state level.  Person will have demonstrated their enthusiasm for the principalship by support from students, parents, teachers, and peers.

  6. Selection Procedure A committee composed of the State Coordinator, the five past regional presidents, two immediate past honorees and a NARSA representative will review all nominations and determine the award winner(s).  The NSASSP Affiliate President will vote in case of a tie.  Selection timeline occurs in the fall.

  7. AwardThe Distinguished Service Award winner(s) will be presented a plaque at the annual NSASSP State Conference.

Outstanding New Principal Award

  1. PurposeTo recognize beginning principals for outstanding service.

  2. Nominations.  The nomination process shall consist of submitting a deserving individual's name to the NCSA office. It is the suggested procedure of NSASSP that each region select their Outstanding New Principal nominee at the last spring meeting of the previous year.

    Carry-over nominations.  The files of those nominees not selected will remain active for one additional year.  A new file of carry-over nominees should be established at the conclusion of the selection meeting.  The NCSA liaison person will be responsible for compiling such a file.  Provided, outstanding new principal candidates must be in their first five years as a secondary administrator to be eligible.

  3. Qualifications.  The nominee must be a member of the state (NSASSP), (NCSA), and national (NASSP) organizations.  To be eligible a member must be nominated and selected before they begin their sixth year of experience as an administrator (Assistant Principal or Principal).

  4. Criteria.  Person who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, their region and at the state level.  Person will have demonstrated their enthusiasm for the principalship by support from students, parents, teachers, and peers.

  5. Selection Procedure.  The past recipient of the award and the five region presidents will review all applications to select the recipient of the award.  The NSASSP Affiliate President will serve as chairperson of this committee and will vote in case of a tie.

  6. Award.  The Outstanding New Principal will be presented a plaque at the annual NSASSP State Conference.

Nebraska High School and Middle School Principal of the Year Awards

  1. Purpose.  The NASSP National Principal of the Year award program annually recognizes outstanding school leaders who have succeeded in providing high-quality learning opportunities for students. These principals are acknowledged by their peers for the exemplary contributions they have made to the profession. The program honors school principals who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of: Personal Excellence, Collaborative Leadership, Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment and Personalization.

  2. Special Requirements.  The nominee must be a member of both the state (NSASSP) and national (NASSP) secondary school principals' associations. Nominees must have been a practicing principal for the past five years.

  3. Nominations.  Any Nebraska educator who feels that a particular secondary school principal exemplifies quality leadership in education may nominate that principal for consideration. It is the suggested procedure of NSASSP that each region select their High School and Middle School Principal nominees at the last spring meeting of the previous year.

  4. Carry-over nominations.  The files of those nominees not selected will remain active for one additional year.  A new file of carry-over nominees should be established at the conclusion of the selection meeting.  The NCSA liaison person will be responsible for compiling such a file.

  5. Selection Procedure.  The selection panel will consist of nine individuals. The State Coordinator will serve as chairperson of this committee.  The State Coordinator will facilitate the discussion and voting.  In addition, the other members of the panel will include:
    1. A community member, selected by the immediate past Principal of the Year recipients;
    2. A teacher member, selected by the 2nd immediate past Principal of the Year recipient;
    3. A parent member, selected by the 3rd immediate past Principal of the Year recipient;
    4. The President of the State Student Council Association or an active member of the State Student Council
    5. The NSASSP president
    6. The NSASSP president-elect;
    7. The NSASSP past president;
    8. The NARSA representative. 

  6. Award.  The Nebraska High School and Middle School Principals of the Year will be recognized and presented a plaque at the NSASSP State Conference.

Friend of NSASSP Award

  1. Purpose.  The purpose of the Friend of NSASSP Award is to honor an individual or group who have rendered outstanding and unselfish service to the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals and who have contributed significantly to quality education at the state and local level.

  2. Nominations.  It is the suggested procedure of NSASSP that each region select their Friend of Education Award nominees at the last spring meeting of the previous year and submit a nominee application to the NCSA Office.  The region that nominates the person or group needs to provide a written letter of support explaining the contributions to the support of leaders in every school committed to the success of each student.

  3. Carry-over nominations.  The files of those nominees not selected will remain active for one additional year.  A new file of carry-over nominees should be established at the conclusion of the selection meeting.  The NCSA liaison person will be responsible for compiling such a file.  Those carried over must meet the requirements for the following year.

  4. Qualifications.  The nominee must be nominated from a NSASSP region.  A nominee cannot be a previous winner of the Friend of NSASSP Award.

  5. Criteria.  A person or group who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their region and at the state level.  Person or group having demonstrated their enthusiasm for the principalship.

  6. Selection Procedure.  A committee composed of the State Coordinator, the five past regional presidents and a NARSA representative will review all nominations and determine the award winner(s).  The NSASSP Affiliate President will vote in case of a tie.  Selection timeline occurs in the fall.

  7. Award.  The Friend of NSASSP Award winner(s) will be presented a plaque at the annual NSASSP State Conference.

NSASSP Longevity Awards

  1. Presentation.  Presented at NSASSP State Convention.

  2. Eligibility.  To be eligible, a member had to complete years 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 during the current term and had to be a continuous member of NASSP and NSASSP.

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