Award Programs

Distinguished Elementary/Middle School Principal Award

The Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals annually recognizes a distinguished principal from each region. One of these principals will be recognized as the Nebraska Distinguished Principal (NDP) and will represent Nebraska in the National Distinguished Principal recognition sponsored by NAESP.

  • Special Requirements: The nominee must be a member of both the state and national elementary school principals association.  Nominees must be a member of National NAESP for at least three years.  Nominees must have been a practicing principal for the past five years.  Note: The current NAESP President, President-Elect, Past President, Zone Director, or State Representative is not eligible for the Award.
  • Nominations: Any educator who feels that a particular elementary or middle school principal exemplifies quality leadership in education may nominate that principal for consideration.  All nominations must be received no later than May 1st.
  • Acceptance of Nominations: Upon receipt of the nominations, the NCSA office will notify the nominee.  The nominee must agree to complete an application form documenting his/her leadership skills and activities.
  • Application Format: All applications should be submitted in a regular manila folder.  The material presented should be in the form as specified in the application.  Each criterion should be addressed.  
  • Applications: The NCSA Office will send an application to each principal who is nominated.  The application, based on criteria as outlined on this form, is to be completed and returned no later than September 15th to NCSA.
  • Selection Procedure: The NAESP Past President will preside over the NDP Selection Committee to review all applications to determine that the basic criteria have been met.  Members of the Committee will select a finalist to represent Nebraska at the National Distinguished Principals Recognition.  The Past President will determine the voting method for the selection committee (Google Docs, in person meeting or via Zoom).  A quorum of voting members must be present during the selection process.
  • Selection Committee:  The NDP Selection Committee of NAESP includes the following:
    Past President
    Vice President
    Federal Relations Coordinator
    State Representative
    Public Relations Coordinator
    Immediate past winner of NDP
  • Awards: The Nebraska Distinguished Principal will be presented and recognized at the State Convention of NAESP.
  • Criteria: Contact NCSA to obtain a form (800.793.6272 or 402.476.8055).

NAESP Longevity Awards

The NAESP Executive Board recognizes the importance of acknowledging principals who have devoted a lifetime to education.

  • Purpose of Award: To recognize individuals who have served as Elementary/Middle School Principals in Nebraska for 15, 20, or 25 or more years.
  • Criteria:
    • Must be current member of the Nebraska Association of Elementary/Middle School Principals.
    • Must have completed service as an elementary/middle school principal in Nebraska for at least 15 years. Recognition will be given for service at 15 years and increments of five years thereafter up to 25 years.
    • Any years served that include elementary/middle administrative school service will qualify (i.e. K-12, 7-9).
  • Guidelines:
    • Data will be kept with other membership information at the NCSA office.
    • The awards will be given at the Convention.
    • Recipients will be notified of the award and data verified before the convention.

Award of Excellence for Making Education Come Alive for Children

The "Award of Excellence" is an attempt to foster the sharing of successful ideas and programs among schools within the state. The NAESP will award a certificate to each school willing to submit a brief description of a successful program in place in their school. The main thrust of this program is to promote excellence in all our schools.

  • Special Requirements: Nominated schools must employ a principal who is a current member of NAESP.
  • Nominations: Any educator may nominate a school for this recognition. Nominations must be in writing, but should be brief. Self-nominations by principals are encouraged.
  • Deadline: Nominations must be typed and submitted to NCSA prior to January 1st of each year. Nomination forms may be obtained by contacting NCSA at 800-793-6272 or 476-8055.
  • Selection Procedure: The NAESP Executive Board will annually select recipient(s) for the award. Schools are limited to one award per year.

The Friend of Education Award

The Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals recognizes the important contribution made by many businesses, civic groups and individuals to elementary and middle level schools throughout our great state. To acknowledge these contributions and to demonstrate appreciation of these efforts, the NAESP proudly offers the "Friend of Education Award." Deserving businesses, civic groups or individuals may be nominated by any NAESP member. Up to five awards will be given, no more than one recipient from each region. 

  • Criteria:
    • Exemplary leadership in promoting public awareness of elementary and middle level education.
    • Exemplary efforts providing special services and unique opportunities for children in elementary and middle level schools.
    • Exemplary efforts becoming involved in elementary and middle level education.
    • Exemplary efforts to support the mission of elementary and middle level schools as well as the mission of the NAESP.
  • Process:
    • One "Friend of Education Award" may be presented for each NAESP Region.
    • To be accepted, nomination forms must be completed by an NAESP member.
    • Nomination forms must be sent to the NCSA office by mid-October of each year.
    • Awards may be presented at the State Principals Conference.
    • Criteria for the award has been established by the NAESP Executive Board.

Outstanding New Principal Award

  • Nominations: The nomination process consists of submitting a deserving individual's name to the NCSA office by September 15th. NCSA will mail an application packet to each nominee and the completed packet must be returned to the NCSA office by October 16th along with the following materials: a. A resume, including: (i) number of years as a member of NCSA; (ii) number of years as a member of NAESP; (iii) number of years as a member of NAESP; (iv) membership in other professional organizations; and (v) significant contributions to your profession and/or professional organization at the local, state and national levels. b. Four letters of recommendation, one each from the following: (i) an administrator; (ii) a staff member; (iii) a community member; and (iv) a student. (NOTE: The NCSA office will solicit the letters of recommendation should the nominee provide the NCSA office with the names and addresses.)
  • Carry-over Nominations: The files of those nominees not selected will remain active for one additional years. A new file of carry-over nominees should be established at the conclusion of the selection meeting. The NCSA liaison person will be responsible for compiling such a file. Provided, outstanding new principal candidates must be in their first five years as a principal to be eligible.
  • Qualifications: The nominee must be a member of NAESP (state and national) and NCSA. To be eligible a member must be nominated and selected before they begin their sixth year of experience as an administrator (Assistant Principal or Principal).
  • Criteria: Person who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, their region and at the state level. Person will have demonstrated their enthusiasm for the principalship by support from students, parents, teachers, and peers.
  • Selection Procedure: The NAESP Executive Board Officers, the Past Recipient and the five Region Presidents will review all applications to select the recipient of the award.  The Board President will contact the winner.
  • Award: The award will be presented a plaque at the annual State Convention.

Celebrating Women in Leadership

March 26-27, 2025
Holiday Inn, Kearney, NE

Bring your colleagues and staff for this learning experience intended to celebrate practicing and aspiring female leaders, engage with colleagues around problems of practice, and learn from female leader experiences.
