NASBO State Convention
NASBO State Convention
April 24-25, 2025
Embassy Suites, Lincoln, NE
Click here to register!
Each year NASBO hosts the NASBO State Convention to provide an opportunity to learn about the newest case law, legislative changes, best practices, and more that impact school business officials and superintendents. This event also offers opportunities to network with colleagues from across the state and connect with vendors at exhibit booths.
Thursday, April 24
8:00 Registration
8:30 Welcome – Dr. Chip Kay, NASBO President
Legislative Update – Dr. Michael Dulaney and Kyle McGowan, NCSA, and Justin Knight, Perry Law
9:45 Concurrent Session I
10:45 Concurrent Session II
11:30 Lunch
12:15 NASBO Business Official of the Year Presentation
“Dream Big, Dream Like a Champion” – John Cook
Coach Cook explains his coaching philosophy and what he has learned during his time as a head coach. In addition to delivering this speech to coaches and athletes, another version is designed for businesses, associations, educational institutions, and nonprofits in which Coach Cook discusses how the philosophies, beliefs, and values found in successful coaches parallel those found in successful business leaders.
1:30 Concurrent Session III
2:30 Concurrent Session IV
3:15 NASBO Business Meeting and Roundtable
4:30 NASBO Social - Embassy Suites Atrium - sponsored by Northland Securities
Kickback with your colleagues from across the state and catch up over beverages and snacks.
Friday, April 25
8:00 Full Breakfast
8:30 Business Officials and Legal Issues – Perry Law Firm and Guests
12:00 Adjourn
Embassy Suites - Lincoln, NE
Call (402) 473-4719
Mention: Nebraska Council of School Administrators
$149 + tax
Rooms must be booked by April 2, 2025
Exhibitors and Sponsors
The Nebraska Association of School Business Officials (NASBO) has scheduled its annual NASBO State Convention for April 24-25, 2025, at the Embassy Suites in Lincoln, Nebraska. This event brings together around 200 school business officials, bookkeepers, and superintendents to discuss issues related to school business.
Pleaes call the NCSA Office at (402) 476-8055 to find out about available exhibit and sponsorship opportunities.