Connie Baxter (1996)
Myron Ballain (1996)
Korey Borches (1996)
Cheryl Rolland (1997)
Buffie Sommers (1997)
Marge Beatty (1998)
Mary Litton (1998)
Kathy Williams (1999)
Gary Sherman (1999)
Kay Cattle (2000)
Leigh Ann Amerine (2000)
Bruce Buehler (2001)
Melody Pebly (2002)
Margaret Ritze (2002)
NASES Friend of Special Education
(formerly Distinguished Service Award)
Rod Garwood (2003)
Gerelda Lipp (2003)
John Moon (2005)
Michelle Jorgensen (2006)
Sidgrid Eigenberg (2007)
Sandy Peterson (2008)
Michael Bassard (2009)
Alan Reigenborn (2010)
John Street (2010)
George Spilker (2011)
Daryl Wilcox (2012)
Theresa McFarland (2013)
Ellen Cain (2014)
Janine Barber (2015)
Laura Franklin (2016)
Casey Hurner (2016)
Laura Franklin (2017)
Casey Hurner (2017)
Bowl Mor Lanes (2018)
Perry & Nancy Johnston (2018)
Eric and Molly Packer (2020)
Calvin's Legacy Foundation (2021)
Jane Byers (2022)
Edward Koster (2023)
Pat Horner (2024)