Organization and Structure
The NCSA Executive Board consists of fifteen representatives, three from each active affiliate, one NARSA representative, and the immediate past chair. Members are elected by their respective affiliate association and serve a three-year term on the Executive Board. The Executive Board annually selects a chairperson from its ranks to direct the work of the Board and represent NCSA.
NCSA Mission Statement | To Top |
The mission of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA)
is to be an effective leader for quality education and to enhance
the professionalism of its members.
NCSA Bylaws | To Top |
(Amended February 2005, October 2009)
Article I - Procedures
Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically stated in the Constitution.
Article II - Affiliate Associations
SECTION 1. The Nebraska Council of School Administrators shall consist of member affiliate associations and a retired affiliate association. The Constitution shall prescribe the exact number of member affiliate associations.
SECTION 2. Member affiliate associations shall be entitled to all rights and privileges accorded to active members as prescribed in the Constitution.
SECTION 3. The retired affiliate association shall be entitled to all rights and privileges accorded to retired administrators as prescribed in the Constitution.
Article III - Members of the Executive Board
SECTION 1. The membership of the Executive Board shall consist of the current president, president-elect and immediate past president from each of the member affiliate associations as prescribed in the Constitution.
SECTION 2. It shall be the responsibility of each of the member affiliate associations, in accordance with their respective constitutions, to appoint or elect their representatives to the Executive Board by the first (1st) day in September of each year.
SECTION 3. The retired affiliate association shall appoint or elect a non-voting liaison representative from its membership to attend meetings of the Executive Board. The rights and privileges of the liaison representative shall be determined by the Executive Board.
SECTION 4. The immediate past chair of the Executive Board shall serve as a nonvoting, ex officio member of the board for a period of one membership year.
Article IV - Officers of the Executive Board
SECTION 1. The officers of the Executive Board shall consist of a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
SECTION 2. Each elected officer shall serve for one (1) year, beginning the first (1st) day of September.
SECTION 3. The Chairperson shall preside at all Executive Board meetings, shall be ex-officio member of all committees, and approve all expenditures of the Council that exceed one thousand ($1,000) dollars. Any expenditure of five thousand ($5,000) dollars or more shall be approved in advance by the Chairperson. Any member of the Executive Board may exercise the prerogative to review expenditures of the Council.
SECTION 4. The Vice-Chairperson, in the absence of the Chairperson, shall perform the duties of the Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson shall serve as liaison to the Legislation Committee.
SECTION 5. The Executive Board shall annually review and define the duties of the Executive Director.
Article V - Meetings of the Executive Board
SECTION 1. There shall not be less than four (4) meetings of the Executive Board each year.
SECTION 2. Special meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the Chairperson upon written request by five (5) members of the Executive Board or by the request of the Executive Director. Special meetings may be conducted via telephone conference call; provided, all relevant rules of parliamentary procedure shall be followed during telephone conference call special meetings.
SECTION 3. A quorum for all meetings of the Executive Board shall consist of eight (8) members of the Executive Board.
Article VI - Duties of the Executive Director
The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The precise duties of the Executive Director shall include but shall not be limited to the following duties:
- To act as the Executive Director and to carry out the directives of the Chairperson and the Executive Board of the Council.
- To manage the Council office and supervise its personnel and fiscal expenditures; to keep records, files, and accounts of Council activities.
- To be a leader at all times in the best interests of education in representing Nebraska and to promote the welfare of Council members.
- To encourage, identify, develop, and coordinate inservice/conference activities.
- To seek, through appropriate channels, adequate financial and public support for the educational programs for the public school children of Nebraska.
- To provide leadership in soliciting the cooperation of other agencies to improve education in Nebraska.
To be the spokesperson for the Council and disseminate information about education on the Nebraska scene.
Article VII - Annual Budget and Audit/Review
SECTION 1: The Executive Director shall annually present a balanced budget for review and approval by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Any expenditures or projected expenditures that exceed the budget shall be approved by a two-third (2/3s) majority of the Executive Board.
SECTION 2: Beginning in the 2005-06 fiscal year and every third fiscal year thereafter, the Executive Director shall commission an auditing firm to perform a complete audit of the accounts of the Council. A complete audit shall mean an audit under generally accepted auditing standards. In every fiscal year in which a complete audit is not performed, the Executive Director shall commission an auditing firm to perform a review of the accounts of the Council through generally accepted review standards. Notwithstanding any provision of this section, the Executive Board may, by majority vote, cause to have a complete audit performed at anytime the Executive Board deems necessary and appropriate.
Article VIII - Governance
SECTION 1. For the purpose of governing the affairs of the Council, the authority of the Council Bylaws and Constitution shall supersede that authority granted by the constitutions of affiliate associations.
SECTION 2. Members of the Council shall be expected to adhere to the respective codes of ethics of their national affiliate organizations and the Regulations and Standards for Professional Practices Criteria (92 NAC 27).
Article IX - Amendments
Amendments or additions to these Bylaws may be made at any meeting of the Executive Board by a majority vote of the members of said Executive Board, present and voting. A draft of the amendments or additions to these Bylaws must be mailed to each member of the Executive Board at least ten (10) days prior to its presentation for adoption. The notice shall state the time and place of the presentation of such proposed amendments.
NCSA Constitution | To Top |
(Amended June 1991; November 1994; August 2007)
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, hereafter referred to as NCSA.
Article II - Objective and Purposes
The organization recognizes that there is a common responsibility of leadership in all administrative levels of education in the State of Nebraska, that there is a need for concentrating the knowledge, judgment, and influence of all administrators in matters affecting the quality of education in the state.
The objectives of this organization are: to provide an opportunity for continuous study of the mutual professional challenges facing school administrators; to make its members aware of public educational issues; to provide a forum for the continuous communication and cooperation in matters of mutual concern to all levels of school administrators; and to cooperate with other organizations in the promotion of effective education and to render appropriate professional assistance to the membership upon request.
Article III - Membership
NCSA shall be a Council of the following member affiliate associations: Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals, Nebraska Association of School Administrators, Nebraska Association of School Business Officials, Nebraska Association of Special Education Supervisors, Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals and such other member affiliate associations as the Executive Board may from time to time designate. In order to maintain good standing in the Council, each member affiliate association shall adhere to the policies adopted by the Executive Board. Active members shall be offered the opportunity to affiliate with another member affiliate member association so long as such members qualify under the membership requirements of another member affiliate association.
NCSA shall also be comprised of a retired affiliate association which shall be the Nebraska Association of Retired School Administrators.
Membership shall consist of active, associate and retired members:
(1) Active members shall be individuals who are practicing administrators in education in Nebraska. Each active member shall have the privilege of participating in the programs of all NCSA associations but shall designate one affiliated association as his/her primary membership association. Active members shall be afforded the privileges of voting and election to office, and shall be eligible for legal defense services.
(2) Associate members shall be individuals from colleges and universities, State Department of Education, vocational and technical schools, retired administrators, full-time graduate students and friends of education. Persons who are not practicing school administrators but who are qualified to do so may elect to join as either an active or associate member. Associate members will be afforded all the services of active membership except voting privileges, election to office, and legal services.
(3) Retired members from the active membership category will be afforded all services of active membership except election to office and legal services. Retired members will belong to the retired affiliate association, the Nebraska Association of Retired School Administrators (NARSA). Effective September 1, 2008, a prospective NARSA member must have been an active member for at least three consecutive years immediately prior to joining NARSA, except that payment of dues equal to the amount of three consecutive years of active membership may be paid in lieu of actual active membership.
The NCSA will encourage membership from all Nebraska public and non-public schools, Educational Service Units, colleges and universities, State Department of Education, county superintendents, retired administrators, and friends of education.
Article IV - Membership on the Executive Committee
The members of the Executive Board shall consist of the president and two other members from each of the member associations listed in Article III. It will be the responsibility of each of the member associations, in accordance with their constitutions, to appoint or elect their representatives to the Executive Board by September 1 of each year.
Article V - Organization of the Executive Board
SECTION 1. The officers of the Executive Board shall be chair and vice-chair. The officers will be elected by the Executive Board.
SECTION 2. The Executive Board shall hold an annual meeting of the general membership and shall meet at other times upon the call of the Chair. The Executive Board shall appoint Executive Director, who will not be a voting member. The Executive Director shall be employed on a full-time basis and his/her salary/benefits and duties shall be fixed by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have authority to prepare a budget and to approve the expenditures of monies of the Council.
The Executive Board shall act on questions of policy for the Council in the interim between annual meetings and report its action to the membership. It shall carry out plans and policies adopted by the Council.
Article VI - Committees
Appointive committees shall be of two kinds: standing and special committees. Standing and special committees shall be appointed by the Chair and approved by the Executive Board.
In making appointments, the Chair shall give due consideration to representation from the organizations which make up the NCSA.
Article VII - Dues
Active membership dues shall be determined annually by the NCSA Executive Board.
The membership year shall begin September 1st and end August 31st. First time members will be admitted anytime the first year on a pro-rated basis.
Article VIII - Audits
SECTION 1. The fiscal year of the Council shall be from the first of September to the thirty-first of August of the following year.
SECTION 2. The Executive Board shall appoint an auditing firm each year to audit the accounts of the organization. The audit shall be done within sixty days following the close of the fiscal year.
SECTION 3. A copy of the auditor’s report shall be mailed by the Executive Director to Executive Board members. A summary will be provided to the general membership.
Article IX - Meetings
The Executive Board shall conduct an annual meeting of the general membership of the affiliate organizations. Other meetings of the general membership may be held, subject to the call of the Executive Board.
Article X - Amendments
SECTION 1. This constitution may be amended by having the proposed amendment approved by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board; and
SECTION 2. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the members of the Council thirty days before the proposed amendment is to be voted upon; and
SECTION 3. The vote shall be conducted by mail with a majority of those voting being necessary for approval.
NCSA Region Map | To Top |

Region 1 Butler Clay Fillmore Gage Hamilton Jefferson Johnson Lancaster Nemaha Nuckolls Pawnee Polk Richardson Saline Saunders Seward Thayer York |
Region 2 Burt Cass Dodge Douglas Otoe Sarpy Washington |
Region 3 Antelope Boone Boyd Brown Cedar Colfax Cuming Dakota Dixon Holt Keya Paha Knox Madison Pierce Platte Rock Stanton Thurston Wayne |
Region 4 Adams Blaine Buffalo Custer Dawson Franklin Furnas Garfield Gosper Greeley Hall Harlan Howard Kearney Loup Merrick Nance Phelps Sherman Valley Webster Wheeler |
Region 5 Arthur Banner Box Butte Chase Cherry Cheyenne Dawes Deuel Dundy Frontier Garden Grant Hayes Hitchcock Hooker Keith Kimball Lincoln Logan McPherson Morrill Perkins Red Willow Scotts Bluff Sheridan Sioux Thomas |