NCSA School Law Update
Younes Conference Center - Kearney
Pre-Registration is now Closed. Drop by the Onsite Registration desk to attend.
NCSA's School Law is a one-day workshop that provides members up-to-date information on cases that impact schools here in Nebraska.
8:30 - Registration
9:00 - FERPA with Greg Perry - Perry Law Firm
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records and applies to all public schools. Greg will walk through what rights FERPA provides, what information FERPA protects, special circumstances and scenarios, and basically everything you’ve ever wanted to know about FERPA!
10:00 - Break
10:15 - Evaluating the Evaluator with Derek Aldridge - Perry Law Firm
This session will discuss the principal evaluation process and the responsibility of the school district to train building principals in the skills necessary to teach and support their instructional staff to continually improving their the skills, all with the goal of improving student learning.
11:15 - School Obligations in the #MeToo Era with Haleigh Carlson and Josh Schauer - Perry Law Firm
With increased media attention scrutinizing school actions in the event of sexual abuse of a student, it is more important than ever to understand the actions state and federal law require when school employees suspect child abuse. In this session, Josh Schauer and Haleigh Carlson of the Perry Law Firm will address the obligations imposed on schools, the potential liability your school faces and ways to potentially avoid such liability. This presentation will not only discuss ways to protect your school, but best practices to protect your students as well.
12:15 - Lunch
1:00 - Hot Topics in Special Education Law with KSB School Law
The attorneys from KSB will go through the most recent cases, enforcement trends, and other areas of the IDEA, Section 504, and the ADA that you need to be thinking about now and need to share with your staff yesterday!
2:00 - Social Media Update: New Laws, New Apps, New Issues with KSB School Law
Technology and social media questions continue to dominate in 2019-2020. Whether it's data privacy, phishing scams, cyberbullying, or sexting, there are always new things to be aware of and troubling trends to avoid. During the last 2 years, the Unicameral changed the state's primary child pornography laws and harassment laws with an eye toward the prevalence in student sexting and cyberbullying. They've also added new ways for students and parents to sue each other over leaked pictures and broken promises. Good job security for us; heartburn for you. This presentation will provide an update on these issues and discuss recent cases...and how to make sure your school doesn't end up in one!
3:00 - Adjourn
Lodging Information
Fairfield Inn
510 W Talmadge Rd, Kearney, NE 68845
Reservations: (308) 236-4200
Mention: NCSA 2019 School Law
Rate: $112.95 + tax