NASBO Constitution

(As amended through April, 1992)

Article I - Name

The name of this Association shall be Nebraska Association of School Business Officials.

Article II - Aims And Objectives

The aims and objectives of this Association shall be:

SECTION 1. To promulgate and establish the highest standards of ethics and efficiency in business methods and practices as related to the administration and operation of the Public School of the State of Nebraska.

SECTION 2. To advance the proficiency of the professional activities of the members of this Association by the study and analysis of information and practices in all area pertaining to school business management.

SECTION 3. To cooperate with the Association of School Business Officials International, Nebraska Council of School Administrators, State Department of Education of Nebraska, Boards of Education and Superintendents of Nebraska Public Schools, Nebraska Association of School Boards, Nebraska State Education Association and Nebraska institutions of higher learning.

Article III - Membership

SECTION 1. Membership in this Association shall consist of active, honorary, associate, and retired members.

SECTION 2. Active membership shall consist of persons employed in the administration of schools in Nebraska, and who are members of the NCSA, as approved by the Executive Board. 

SECTION 3. Honorary membership may be given by the Executive Committee to any persons who, by their act or position, have shown an outstanding interest in this Association and have contributed to its betterment.

SECTION 4. Associate membership shall consist of persons approved by the Executive Committee.

SECTION 5. Only active and retired members are eligible to vote and participate in discussions pertaining to business of this Association. Only active members are eligible to hold office.

Article IV - Officers

SECTION 1. The officers of this Association shall consist of the President, President-elect, and Secretary. 

SECTION 2. The office shall be elected by the active members at the annual meeting.

SECTION 3. The President, President-elect, and Secretary shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, with the term of office to begin on September 1.

SECTION 4. The President-elect shall automatically succeed to the office of President.

SECTION 5. The Secretary shall automatically succeed to the office of President-elect.

Article V - Executive Committee

SECTION 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, President-elect, Secretary, and Immediate Past President. Only the four (4) officers named shall have the power to vote on Executive matters and three (3) of these four (4) officers shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 2. The Executive Committee shall be a permanent committee.

SECTION 3. The Executive Committee shall hold at least two (2) meetings annually to be called by the President with written notice to be sent by the Secretary to each committee member not less that two (2) weeks before the meeting.

SECTION 4. The President, President-elect, and Immediate Past President shall represent the Nebraska Association of School Business Officials on the Executive Board of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators.

Article VI - Election

SECTION 1. The election of officers shall be held under the supervision of the Executive Committee at the annual meeting of this Association.

SECTION 2. Officers shall be nominated by a four member Nominating Committee comprised of the Executive Committee. The Immediate Past President will present the candidate at the annual meeting. Nomination may also be made from the floor.

SECTION 3. The results of the annual election shall be announced by the Secretary after the election results have been determined.

SECTION 4. In case of failure to elect any officer, the office incumbent shall continue to serve until the office is filled by appointment of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall also fill, by appointment, any vacancy occurring during a term of office.

SECTION 5. Members of this Association seeking office in ASBO, International shall be a member in good standing and subject to the following:

  1. Member shall submit their interests in writing to the President of the Association.
  2. The President of the Association shall convene the Executive Committee to review the request of the Member.
  3. The President retains the right to involve other members as a review committee and is responsible for the establishment of criteria that must be met to be eligible to seek National office.
  4. President will inform member of the decision of the Executive Committee to recommend or not recommend candidate endorsement. The endorsement will be formally presented to the NASBO membership at its next meeting.

Article VII - Duties

SECTION 1. The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association. He shall:

  1. Prepare the program for general sessions.
  2. Preside at meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee.
  3. Appoint and call meeting of various committees of which he shall be a ex-officio member.
  4. Approve all expenses incurred by the Association prior to payment of claims.
  5. Appoint or serve as the State Representative to the Association of School Business Officials International.

SECTION 2. The President-elect shall act for the President in his absence and perform other duties assigned to the President upon expiration of the term of office of the President.

SECTION 3. The Secretary shall:

  1. Maintain accurate records of proceedings, transactions, correspondence, reports, membership file and other such records as may be required by the Association.
  2. Act as custodian for all property of the Association, compile accurate annual reports thereof and transfer to his successor complete records and property of Association.
  3. Perform other related duties assigned by the President.

SECTION 4. The State Representative to the Association of School Business Officials Inter-national shall serve as liaison between the Association and this Association. The State ASBO Representative shall serve as State Membership Chairman for both the Association of School Business Officials International and State Associations. The candidate for this office shall be a member of the Association of School Business Officials International.

Article VIII - Meetings

SECTION 1. The annual spring meetings shall be held at a time to be determined by the Executive Committee. 

SECTION 2. The annual meeting shall be planned by the Executive Committee.

SECTION 3. The annual meeting shall be held at a location to be selected by the Executive Committee.

SECTION 4. The NCSA Executive Secretary shall send a notice to all members pertaining to the annual meeting not less that thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.

SECTION 5. Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, through written notice sent by the Secretary to each member not less that two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.

SECTION 6. The president may appoint representatives from the active members to attend State Association meetings outside of Nebraska, or such other meetings as the President deems to be in the interest of this Association.

Article IX - Year 

SECTION 1. A majority of the active members present of the annual or properly called special meeting, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business for this Association.

Article X - Dues

SECTION 1. Active members in the Association shall pay annual dues as determined by the Executive Board of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators.

SECTION 2. Honorary members in the Association shall not be required to pay annual dues.

Article XI - Amendments

SECTION 1. Amendments to the Constitution may be made at the annual meeting of this Association, provided resolutions for such amendments shall be presented, in writing, at the first session of the annual meeting. Such resolutions shall then be referred to the Executive Committee for recommendation and may be adopted by the Association at the last session, prior to adjournment, by a two-thirds majority of the active members present. 

SECTION 2. The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern this Association.


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