
(Amended June 2013, May 2016)

Article I – Name and Organization

Section 1. The name of the Organization shall be the Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP).

The Association is a state organization, with region organizations whose boundaries will coincide with the regions of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, hereinafter NCSA.

Article II – Purpose

The Association is formed to further the educational needs of Nebraska elementary and middle school youth.

The Association is also created to serve as a collective political force to address the identified purposes and needs of elementary and middle school administrators.

Article III – Affiliation

The Association shall be affiliated with NCSA and the National Association of Elementary School Principals. Nothing in the Association’s Constitution or Bylaws shall conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of NCSA or the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

Article IV – Membership

Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be in conjunction with active membership in the Nebraska Council of School Administrators.

Section 2. All persons shall be eligible for active membership who holds the appropriate Nebraska Administrative and Supervisory Certificate.

Section 3. Active membership shall be open to all persons engaged in practicing, teaching or promoting elementary school administration, education, and/or supervision, and upon payment of dues.

Section 4. Association members as prescribed by the NCSA Constitution shall be non-voting members of the Association and may not be elected to office. Members of the Nebraska Association of Retired School Administrators, hereinafter NARSA, shall be non-voting members within the Association but may not hold any office within the Association other than NARSA Representative.

Article V – State Officers

Section 1. The state officers of the NAESP shall be an elected President, President-elect, Past President, Vice President and Secretary. The President-elect shall be elected at large from the active membership by U.S. Postal Service or electronic mail ballot. Each term of office shall be for a period of one year. The state officers of the Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals shall be voting members of the NAESP Executive Board. The President, President-Elect, and Past President shall also serve as voting members of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators Executive Board.

Section 2. The President-elect shall assume the office of the President at the end of his term or at any time a vacancy occurs in the office of the President.

Section 3. The Secretary and Vice President shall be elected for a two-year term but may only serve two consecutive terms.

Section 4. The State Representative and Federal Relations Coordinator shall be elected for a three-year term but may only serve two consecutive terms.

Section 5. The Public Relations Coordinator shall be elected by the Executive Board for a three (3) year term and may only serve two consecutive terms.

Section 6. All state officers shall be active members of NCSA and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP).

Section 7. All terms of office will begin the September 1 following the election.

Section 8. It is the intent of NAESP to encourage all members to consider holding office within and on behalf of the organization.  It is further the intent of NAESP that a member should not seek appointment or run for election of any appointed or elected office more than once.  This section should not be construed to preclude a member from seeking re-appointment or re-election to a consecutive term if permitted in the NAESP Bylaws and Constitution.

Article VI – The Executive Board

Section 1. The Executive Board of the Association shall consist of state officers and President and President-elect of each region.

Section 2. A NARSA Representative may serve on the Executive Board as a non-voting, ex-officio member.

Section 3. The Executive Board shall meet at least three times per membership year.

Section 4. The Executive Board may appoint committees and task forces as needed.

Article VII – Parliamentary Procedure

Section 1. The Association shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article VIII – Amendments To The Constitution

Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by an affirmative two-thirds vote of those voting at any regular or special meeting of the NAESP Executive Board provided that any such amendment is sent to each member of the Board at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting and vote. If approved by the NAESP Executive Board, the amendment also must be approved by the NAESP active membership by an affirmative vote of those voting through an election via U.S. Postal Service or electronic ballot.


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