State Principals Conference

Thursday, December 9, 2021 - 12:00am to Friday, December 10, 2021 - 12:00am

Nebraska State Principals Conference
December 9 and 10, 2021
Cornhusker Marriott - Lincoln, NE
Pre-registraion is closed.  Drop by the onsite registration desk to join.

NAESP and NSASSP Leadership are excited to welcome you back in person for the 2021 Nebraska State Principals Conference to be held December 9-10, 2021, at the Cornhusker Marriott, Lincoln!
This year's event will kick off Thursday afternoon with a legislative update and information on advocacy followed by #PrincipalsRodeo and Secondary and Elementary Law Sessions from the Perry Law Firm and KSB School Law. We'll wrap up Thursday afternoon through networking and socializing with your colleagues.
Dr. Andy Jacks will start us off Friday morning on a high note with Play to Win. You'll then be able to choose which fantastic breakout sessions to attend with sessions by local and national speakers including John Cannon and Beth Houf. We'll also honor your colleagues during the awards lunch.

Thursday, December 9, 2021
12:00     Registration and Exhibits Open

12:30     Welcome
              Legislative Update
with Dr. Mike Dulaney and Kyle McGowan, NCSA

1:00      #PrincipalRodeo
This participant-driven session is designed to provide professional development for the unique needs of principals.  Registrants will be contacted ahead of time for topic ideas to best utilize time. Join us at the #PrincipalRodeo to learn about the hottest topics and developments in the principalship! 

2:30      Break and Exhibit Visit

3:00      Concurrent NSASSP and NAESP Legal Sessions

4:00      Social at Boombox Social
Kick back with your colleagues from across the state and catch up over beverages and snacks or hop in on the distillery tour at Boombox Social owned by and featuring Kincaider Brewing Company and Sideshow Spirits.

5:30      Dinner on your own

Friday, December 10, 2021
8:00     Continental Breakfast and Exhibits Open

8:30     Welcome
            Play to Win! 
with Dr. Andy Jacks
Schools can win or lose depending on our level of engagement and if we even know how to play the game. It’s essential to provide an inclusive culture, work for long-term goals, and continually rethink our current practices if we want to have a real chance at victory. Before we start pushing more programs and prizes, let’s consider the impact of feelings, fidelity, and follow-through both in ourselves and our students. It’s not just about hoping for compliance. Fight for them and not with them. Understand your kids. Provide for their needs. Give every single one of them a chance at their own progress and success. Embrace your inner passion. Play to win, each child, each day! 

10:15   Select-a-Session I

11:15   Select-a-Session II

12:00   Awards Lunch

1:15     Select-a-Session III


10:15     Select-a-Session I
Over Cell Phone Distractions or OverYondr?
Dr. Tiffanie Welte – Weeping Water Public Schools
Ryan Clark – Tri County Jr/Sr High Schools
Are you looking for a way to boost student engagement and reduce the noise caused by cell phone usage and social media in your school?   How well are classroom cell phone caddies and varied enforcement practices helping you meet those goals?  You may want to consider the Yondr approach that’s already proving to be successful in two Nebraska districts.  

Discipline, Dilemmas, & Decisions
Dr. Andy Jacks
School discipline can bring out emotional and rash responses in both staff and families, so schools must be very prepared for predictable behaviors and then strategic in their responses to keep everyone focused and working together. Proactively teach social skills and self-regulation. Incorporate ways to regularly check your students and yourselves. Create accountability systems to ensure that relationships are developed with every child, every day. Find something special in every student so they know that you want them and value them in your school.

11:15     Select-a-Session II
Family Engagement and Partnerships
Dr. Melissa Frans – Crete Public Schools
Parents are their children’s primary educators. They influence their children’s success in school. When families and schools work together, the results can be powerful. Schools affirm families’ contributions to student success and promote family engagement with their children’s learning.  Strategies will be shared for both visible and invisible family engagement.

Maximizing Principal Impact and Influence through Collaborative Leadership
Ryan Ricenbaw and Kim Snyder – Nebraska Department of Education
If principals are to maximize their impact and influence as leaders, they must understand how to build a culture of genuine collaboration and collective responsibility for student success. The principal, as the instructional leader, must understand how to communicate a vision of educator effectiveness to empower staff to actualize the mission. The SEED team at the NDE will showcase the newly developed NTPPS principal rubrics to guide this critical work for school leaders.

From Surviving to Thriving as a School Leader
Beth Houf – NASSP and Fulton Middle School
In a field of serving others, how often do we take time to take care of ourselves? Join Beth as she shares productivity and wellness practices to help us not only survive, but to thrive as school leaders.  

1:15     Select-a-Session III
Creating Early Childhood Leaders, Nebraska’s NAESP PreK-3 Leadership Academy
Kristine Luebbe – Nebraska Department of Education
Sara Paider – St Paul Public Schools
Amy Kroll – Weeping Water Public Schools
Principals are one of the most important factors in determining student outcomes within their school system. From ensuring that statewide policies/procedures are followed, to serving as instructional leaders, as well as being champions for the students within their building, there are many hats that leaders must wear. As a principal, do you have the knowledge and skills to champion Nebraska’s youngest learners to build the foundation for later learning as children transition from preschool (and before!) through third grade? Nebraska is partnering with the National Association of Elementary School Principals to bring a third cohort of Nebraska’s NAESP PreK-3 Leadership Academy. Hear from a current participant and advisor about what this academy can bring to your building and community to champion the needs of Nebraska’s youngest learners and to support you in becoming an Early Childhood Leader.

The Role of the Principal in Meeting the Needs of EACH Child in the School
Kris Elmshaeuser and Amy Rhone – Nebraska Department of Education
This session will be a discussion with principals on the role they play as the educational leader in the district in meeting the needs of each and every child within the school building.  This session will discuss the requirements around special education for each child to be considered in the least restrictive environment and the supplemental aids and services provided so that students with disabilities can be included with their nondisabled peers in an inclusive environment.

Trauma-Informed Practices for the Classroom
John Cannon - USD 405 Lyons
This session will include reasons and rationales for challenging mindsets of traditional discipline and give practical approaches that will enable teachers and principals to change how they respond to students who are dysregulated. 

Lodging Information

Cornhusker Marriott - Lincoln
Call (402) 474-7474
Mention: NAESP/NSASSP Principals Conference 2021
Rate: $107 + tax
Exhibit and Sponsorship
Each year the NAESP and NSASSP hold an annual conference to provide professional development and networking for Nebraska Principals and allow for better collaboration between the two organizations.  The audience for this event is elementary, middle, and high school principals from across the state.
All exhibit and sponsor opportunities have been filled. Exhibit and sponsorship opportunities are handled on a first-come, first-served WITH PAYMENT basis.
The exhibit and sponsor cancellation for this event is November 15, 2021.  No refunds will be provided after this date.

Celebrating Women in Leadership

March 26-27, 2025
Holiday Inn, Kearney, NE

Bring your colleagues and staff for this learning experience intended to celebrate practicing and aspiring female leaders, engage with colleagues around problems of practice, and learn from female leader experiences.
