NASES/NDE Spring Conference
Today's Educational Landscape...Power of Partnership
hosted by NASES and NDE
April 10-11, 2025
Omaha Marriott at Regency, Omaha, NE
Click HERE to Register!
Thursday, April 10
8:00 am - Registration and continental breakfast
8:30 am - Being A Champion For Kids with Mills Rodgers
This presentation is designed to help school educators grow skills and increase student achievement by:
1. Empowering Empathetic Educators: Equip educators with skills to recognize and address limiting beliefs systems we may have as educators.
2. Meeting N.E.E.D.S of Students…Fostering Strong Relationships: Provide strategies for building meaningful connections and meeting individual needs of learners to increase student achievement.
3. Setting T.H.E P.A.C.E…Creating a Classroom that Supports Success: Practical, supportive classroom management methods to enhance student outcomes.
11:30 am - Lunch and Awards Presentation
1:00 pm - The Power of Comprehensive Mentoring: Creating Collaborative Partnerships for Special Education Teachers with Pam Brezenski
Participants will explore the significance of special education induction and comprehensive mentoring programs in enhancing communication and connections within schools. The session will examine both national and state evidence that illustrates the positive effects of mentoring on the retention of special education teachers. Additionally, administrators will learn how to utilize national and state resources to effectively organize, plan, and implement comprehensive mentoring programs for special education teachers in their districts.
2:00 pm - 2025-2025/2026 Research on the use of AI to assist with Dyslexic Education with Tristan Curd
The State of Nebraska created the Dyslexia Research Grant in 2024 to further the study of using artificial intelligence to assist with the education of dyslexic learners and educators
supporting them by providing aggregate writing analytics. The presentation will be an overview of the research project, the product Dyslexico, and how you as special educuation
directors and administrators can help maximize the value of this research in 2025-26.
3:00 pm - Activity
4:00 pm - NASES General Business Meeting
5:00 pm - Social - TBD
Catch up with your colleagues in a relaxed environment after a great day of learning.
Friday, April 11
7:30 am - New NASES Member
A leadership hour for new NASES members and their mentors.
7:30 am - Conference Breakfast
8:30 am - Chronic Absenteeism with Dr. Terry Haack and MOEC
9:30 am - Determination and AQuESTT with Dr. Derek Ippensen, Dr. Micki Charf, and Kelly Wojcik
10:30 am - Break
10:45 am - Continuing our Journey - Designing instruction for ALL
12:00 pm - Adjourn
Omaha Marriott at Regency, Omaha, NE
Call 1-888-236-2427
or Click HERE
Mention: NASES 2025 Special Ed Director's Spring Event
$121 + tax
Rooms must be booked by March 26, 2025